On October 18, 2014 Junior Achievement of Armenia held a Student Trade Fair within the framework of the USAID-funded “Entrepreneurial and Civic Activism of Young People of Armenia” and HSBC -funded "More Than Money" programs.
The forty best student companies from all regions of Armenia and Yerevan presented their products to consumers.
The Student Trade Fair is an annual educational activity which allows the students to showcase their student company products and to demonstrate the entrepreneurial skills which they have attained during their studies.
The aim of the Entrepreneurial and Civic Activism of Young People of Armenia program is to teach young people the basics of free market economics and to instill in them a sense of civic activism and pride. In this connection, throughout the year, the students form student business companies, conduct marketing research, sell stock to raise money and market their products or services. An important part of the program is for the students to learn to work in teams and to plan their activities by writing a business plan. The students also learn about corporate social responsibility and set aside a part of their profits to that end.
The students will direct part of their profits to public projects as part of their corporate social responsibility policies.