The Presenation Of The Student NGO Projects
The Presenation Of The Student NGO Projects

In the month of May and June, the students concluded their NGO projects and closed their organizations. The presenation of the student NGO projects took place in the month of May and  June.   Armine K. Hovannisian and Anahit Manukyan along with the respective regional representative attended most of the openings and attended all of the openings for those students NGOs that had won the JAA grant. The schedule of JAA projects’openings is presented bellow:

May 11, 2016



Ararat Region

The school students organized activities for raising awareness of the Surenavan’s Yezidi population culture and habits. The total cost of the project was 250 000 AMD. The partners were the school administration and the “Boghboj” monthly newspaper.The students had 10 000 AMD from their CSR.


May 16, 2016

16:30 pm

Meghri # 2 school

Syuniq school /CARD/

The Meghri # 2 school students / the program is sponsored by the CARD foundation/   –renovated the school library. The total cost of the project was 394 000 AMD. The partners were: the parents’ council – 30 000 AMD, the community members – 120 000 AMD, Meghri’s priest Der Rafayel Khachikyan – 10 000 AMD.

May 17, 2016

10:00 am

Syuniq school

Syuniq Region

The Syuniq school   students procured school hall benches. The total cost of the project was 672 000 AMD. The students had 82 000 AMD from their CSR, the parent council contribution was 82 000 AMD, the“Dundee Precious Metals Kapan” contribution 250 000, and the “Zangezur” foundation contribution was 100 000 AMD.


May 17, 2016

15:30 pm

Yeghegnadzor high school

Vayots Dzor Region

The Yeghegnadzor high school students placed benches on Shahumyan street in Yeghegnadzor. The partners were the Yeghegnadzor city municipality, and the school administration.   The total cost of the project was 300 000 AMD. The students have 20 000 AMD from CSR.


May 19, 2016


Getahovit school

Tavush Region

The Getahovit school students furnished the school activity hall. The project cost was     280 000 AMD. The students had 50 000 drams from their CSR, and the Mayor of the Getahovit   has contributed 60 000 AMD.


May 20, 2016

13:00 pm

Arevashogh school

Lori Region


The Arevashogh school students installed   benches in the village “Surb Astvatsamayr” church. The partners were the school administration, the school alumni club. The students had 32 000 AMD from CSR. The total cost of the project was 297 000 AMD. The partners were: the school administration – 20 000 AMD, community leaders – 30 000 AMD, community members – 20 000 AMD, Archbishop SebuhChuljyan – 50 000 AMD.

May 23, 2016


Pambak – Daranak school

Gegharquniq Region

The Pambak – Daranak school students renovated the school hall. The partners were:   the village governor – 40 000 AMD, the   school principal – 30 000 AMD, the   parents – 30 000 AMD, the   teachers – 20 000 AMD. The students had 10 000 AMD from their CSR.


May 24, 2016


Ptghunq school

Armavir Region

The Ptghunq school students built a play ground for the community. The partners were the community youth council – 50 000 AMD, the school teachers – 30 000, the village municipality – 500 000 AMD. The students had 5 000 AMD from their CSR. The total cost of the project was 875 000 AMD.


May 25, 2016


Voghjaberd school

Kotayq Region

The Voghjaberd school students established an outdoor sports grounds. The partners were the Voghjaberd village municipality – 50 000 AMD, a businessman – 150 000 AMD, the school administration’s donation was inkind in   /metal pipes, electricity expenses/. Students had 5000 AMD from their CSR. The total cost of the project was   381 000 AMD.


June 2, 2016


Ashtarak #5 school

Aragatsotn Region


The Ashtarak # 5 school   students constructed a bus stop. The students   had collected 50,000 drams, and had received in kind donations of   sand, and other necessary materials. The partners were the Ashtarak municipality, the school administration, the parents council. The students had 10 000 from their CSR.





Yerevan “Poqrik Ishkhan”


The Yerevan “PokrikIshkhan” College and # 32 school after Hovhannes Tumanyan renovated a bridge used by both school students. The total cost of the project was 600 000. AMD.



 June 7, 2016

Shirakavan school

Shirak Region


The Shirakavan school of the Shirak Region   improved the school grounds and created an outdoor sports field. The total cost of the project was 307 000 AMD. The school administration contribution was for 150 000 AMD, the village municipality contribution was inkind in the form of materials.